Blog: Nine Risks To The Stock Market Rally

With the stock market hovering near all-time highs, 人们会认为投资者充满了投资信心. However, 2008年金融危机以来的情况就是如此, the stock market’s recovery has been unloved. 在某种程度上,对股市强势的怀疑不断推高股市. As Sir John Templeton famously said, “bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism and die on euphoria.” Indeed, it has been skepticism and the absence of euphoria, as well as an accommodative Federal Reserve Bank, that has provided an underpinning for stock values.

This recent run has been incredible, 尽管自2020年3月的低点以来发生了什么, markets don’t move in only one direction. 在2021年下半年,市场将需要一个新的催化剂来匹配年初至今的强劲业绩. We’ve rebounded from 2020’s low levels of U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)和较低的企业盈利,转变为GDP和盈利的大幅飙升. 但情况会恢复正常,尽管股市可能会走高,但投资者应该管理好预期. 以下是可能导致股市出现期待已久的回调的九种风险.

Market Risks include:

  1. A change in tone from The Fed. 在2018年第四季度,股市在大约90天内下跌了近20%,这主要是由于当时的新政策 Federal Reserve Bank 鲍威尔主席的评论和一些货币紧缩政策. 如果美联储的基调发生变化,可能会出现类似的快速下滑——尽管这是在美联储任职数年之后, Powell’s words are more measured.
  2. Higher taxes. 市场一直无视企业和个人可能面临的增税. Specifically, 资本利得税率的变化可能导致年底前获利了结——如果市场存在负面情绪的话, any sell-off could be magnified.
  3. More regulations. The cost of new regulations isn’t immediately felt, 但最终它们会损害利润和新投资.
  4. Increased M&A scrutiny. New White House guidance limiting mergers and acquisitions will have a higher bar for approval. 这将收窄估值——看看最近的下跌 Kansas City Southern (KSU) 他们与加拿大国家铁路公司的合并现在有疑问吗.
  5. Slow growth in Europe and Japan. 欧洲和日本的老龄化人口正在引发通货紧缩. 债务和结构性效率低下继续困扰着欧洲. Japan’s hoped for Olympic boost didn’t materialize. 新冠疫情前,这些地区经济增长缓慢, 在过去的18个月里,这种情况几乎没有改变.
  6. High valuations. 股市的上涨创造了较高的市场倍数 forward price earnings ratio of the S&P 500 north of 22. 尽管低利率和强劲的盈利增长可以证明这是合理的, 该指数高于历史市场平均水平,这使得股价很容易出现回调.
  7. Covid-Shutdowns. Whether it is fear of Covid, restrictions on occupancy rates, or government mandated shutdowns, Covid的幽灵仍然是乐观主义的障碍.
  8. A shift in sentiment and algorithmic trading. The machines and algorithms are powerful, and when the ‘risk-off’ sentiment returns, market moves could be accelerated. 当然,过度反应可以为精明的投资者创造机会. 但情绪激动的投资者可能会认为这是一个“大问题”,并抛售,这可能会加剧市场活动的下行.
  9. Unknown global events. 全球相对稳定,但不太可能是永久的. For example, 过去几周,由于中国监管机构的言论,中国股市大幅下跌. 这种急剧而迅速的下跌提醒人们,数十亿美元的股市价值可能会在短时间内蒸发.

尽管存在这些风险,但乐观的情况是,流动性规模庞大,而且不会消失. 美联储继续更加关注就业,而不是通胀. Congress will spend on infrastructure, 收益将会增长(尽管增速低于最近一个季度的历史表现)。, and innovation is improving productivity. 在债券收益率较低的情况下,资金总有去处, 投资者别无选择,只能转向股票. 我并不低估这种长期看涨的情况——前提是鲍威尔继续支持股市. Nonetheless, 投资者在投入新资金之前稍作停顿或许是明智的, and instead look for a more favorable entry point.

Mark Avallone is the author of Countdown To Financial Freedom, and founder and President of Potomac Wealth Advisors, LLC 一家为客户提供全面财务规划和财富管理服务的财务顾问公司. Avallone writes on a variety of financial topics, 他的文章出现在《最正规外围足球平台》和《足球外围最靠谱的平台》上,他是《足球外围最靠谱的平台》的定期撰稿人. He is a frequent guest on CNBC, the Fox Business Network, and local NBC, CBS, and Fox affiliates in Washington, DC. 他的见解也发表在《足球外围最靠谱的平台》、《最正规外围足球平台》和《最正规外围足球平台》上.S. News & 《足球外围最靠谱的平台》、《最正规外围足球平台》和其他主要出版物.

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